Integrate all your B2B transactions, exchanges, and workflows with Telligro Ubix ™
These are essential capabilities that you need in the new age of doing business
Digitize at source

Transition to digital b2b instantly. Eliminate the need to send transactional documents as PDFs. Achieve EDI level automation without incurring the cost of EDI.
STP meets B2B
Trigger end-to-end real-time workflow automations. Achieve Straight Through Processing (STP)with all your B2B business transactions.

GenAI driven insights and integration

Derive insights from databases and documents to improve your business process effectiveness. Easily map inbound and outbound data using GenAI and Large Language Models (LLMs) to drive B2B automation
Multi-channel interface

Send and receive via a wide range of channels and media such as APIs, messaging, emails, ftp, and many more. Incorporate human-in-loop techniques for sending and receiving
Adapt to legacy enterprise apps

Connect B2B workflows to existing enterprise legacy systems and applications through a wide range of technologies including APIs, Message Queues, SOA, ReST, sockets, RPA, and many more.
Trace your Transactions

Get end-to-end traceability of your transactions across organization boundaries. For example, find out the status of your invoice, or your insurance claim.
Telligro Ubix™ provides automated straight through processing
across business boundaries,
and other underlying systems and platforms

Find out what you can achieve with Telligro Ubix ™
Improve visibility with clients and prospects
​Create actionable activities that can be triggered by prospective clients. Use our analytics tools to stay competitive and attractive to potential buyers.

Find the right business partner
Telligro Ubix ™ provides you with necessary insights to get the best fit partner for your business purpose. The system can query and retrieve results based on various parameters provided by the organizations as well as permissible inferences from transactions. At all times every organization has full control over the types of information about them that others can see.
Establish new partnerships
Telligro Ubix ™ makes it easy to setup business-to-business activities by facilitating document negotiations, smart contracting, and integration of enterprise systems.

Track B2B transactions
Telligro Ubix ™ provides features to track your transactions from start to completion. This includes configurable dashboards, query tools, and real-time updates generated from all parties detailing the state of the transaction in their internal business processes.
Save on back-office costs
Your data is captured digitally from source, transformed and transmitted through Telligro Ubix platform, leaving no room for human errors and mundane manual activities. Achieve fully automated and error free business transactions saving significant cost in back-office operations.